Nick Couldry
Sociologist of media and culture (UK)
Professor of Media Communications and Social Theory at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and from 2017 has been a Faculty Associate at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. He is the co-founder of the website www.tierracomun.net for encouraging dialogue on data colonialism with scholars and activists from Latin America. He jointly led, with Clemencia Rodriguez, the chapter on media and communications in the 22 chapter 2018 report of the International Panel on Social Progress: www.ipsp.org. He is the author or editor of fifteen books including The Mediated Construction of Reality (with Andreas Hepp, Polity, 2016), Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice (Polity 2012) and Why Voice Matters (Sage 2010). His latest books are The Costs of Connection (with Ulises Ali Mejias, Stanford UP 2019), Media: Why It Matters (Polity 2019), and Media Voice Space and Power: Essays of Refraction (Routledge 2020).

Before joining the EPC, she was Lead Researcher of the Global Observatory of Urban Artificial Intelligence at CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs). She has held advisory positions at the European Cybersecurity Forum (CYBERSEC) as Programme Committee Member.

Since 2018, she designs and co-directs the Postgraduate Course in Technopolitics and Rights in the Digital Age, first at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona (UPF), and currently at the University of Barcelona.
She founded projects such as Xnet —Institute for democratic digitalisation and digital rights— and 15MPARATO, which pursued the Bankia and “black cards” corruption cases that led to the conviction of 65 politicians and bankers, including the former Spanish Minister of Economy and former President of the International Monetary Fund.
She has promoted and co-authored several books, including: “#FakeYou — Fake news and disinformation — Governments, political parties, mass media, corporations, big fortunes: monopolies of information manipulation and curtailment of freedom of expression” ; “Voting and getting paid. Impunity as a form of government”; “Technopolitics, internet and r-evolutions” and “Free digital culture – Basic notions to defend what belongs to everyone”.

Staff to the Vice-President of the European Parliament. Head of communications and close collaborator of the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli, gone before his time.

With a degree in Humanities and a Master’s Degree in History and Secondary School Teacher Training, a large part of her professional career has been focused on communication in the field. She is a member of the group of mothers and fathers collaborating with Xnet for the digital democratization of schools.

She is a current contributor to the Council of Europe digital citizenship working group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. Jen supported the Committee of Convention 108 in the drafting of Council of Europe Guidelines for Data Protection in Education Settings adopted in 2020. Most recently, in 2022 Defend Digital Me published a report on the application and growing uses of biometric data in schools, The State of Biometrics 2022: A review of policy and practice in UK Education.

Inga Klas
Member of Unsere Digitale Schule (Baden-Würtemberg, Germany)
Working in the IT sector as a user experience designer and advocate of user-centered design.

CEO and founder of Iteam, a tech digital innovation agency in Stockholm and Gothenburg
Co-founder of open citizen movement Öppna skolplattformen and co-founder of open AI logistics collaboration Predictive Movement. One of Swedens most influential tech profiles and one of Swedens best programmers according to IDG. TEDx speaker and member of international jury in world’s largest innovation competitions held yearly in China.

He is responsible of decidim.barcelona participatory platform and one of the cofounders of decidim.org project. He has also the responsible of Canodrom, the Center of Digital and Democratic Innovation in Barcelona. He was the coordinator of tecnopolitica.net project at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3-UOC). He is involved in several programs and projects about digital rights, technological sovereignty, open-source and the democratization of network society. He holds a PhD in Information and Knowledge Society by the Open University of Catalonia.

Degree in Political and Administrative Sciences. He was Technical Councillor for Horta-Guinardó in the 2015–19 term, chaired the Barcelona Youth Council and was secretary general of the Secular and Progressive Movement.

Her main area of research focuses on the impact of new technologies on human rights. As the lead researcher for MediaSmart’s Young Canadians in a Wired World research project, she has been tracking young people’s use of new media since 1999. She also co-leads the eQuality Project (with Jane Bailey), a partnership of researchers, educators, advocates, civil society groups, and policymakers who are interested in examining the impact of online commercial profiling on children’s identities and social relationships. Her Web-based educational game Sense and NonSense won the first annual Excellence in Race Relations Education award from the Canadian Race Relations Foundation in 1998 and her game Privacy Playground was awarded the Bronze Medal at the 2006 Summit Creative Awards Competition, an international competition involving thousands of entries from 26 countries.

The organization’s founder and co-chair, Leonie Haimson, was a public school parent for 15 years. She received the John Dewey award from the United Federation of Teachers in 2007, was named one of NYC’s “family heroes” by NYC Family Magazine in 2009, and was honored as an “Extraordinary Advocate for our Children” by Advocates for Justice in 2012. ADD: In 2014, she received the “Parent Voice” award from Parents Across America for her work defeating inBloom and protecting student privacy. In 2015, she was named one of the ten most influential people in education technology by Tech and Learning Magazine.

Is a Digital Strategist on EFF’s Activism Team, where he co-leads EFF’s student privacy work, focusing on protecting young people’s privacy and expanding their digital rights. Before joining EFF, Jason managed marketing strategy and content for a software company that helps non-programmers learn to code, and advertising and marketing analytics for a student loan startup. Jason received his BA in English and Philosophy from Kent State University and an M.F.A. in creative writing from The University of the South.

Professor in Educational Research Methodology at the University of Padua.
Former Principal Investigator at the project “Professional Learning Ecologies for Digital Scholarship: Supporting professionalism for the Modernisation of Higher Education” (“Learning ecologies for the Academic Profession in the digital era: towards the modernization of higher education “, funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and University of Spain under the program “Ramon y Cajal” (2018-2023), at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).
Member of the support group to the Rector’s Office of the University of Padua for the monitoring of Innovative Teaching activities.

Ignasi Labastida
Creative Commons Spain project leader
PhD in Physics from the University of Barcelona. Head of the Research and Innovation Unit of the CRAI of the University of Barcelona, where he directs the Office for the Dissemination of Knowledge. Since 2003, he has been the leader of the Creative Commons project in Spain.

Professor at the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media, since 2015, she leads the group of experts in Knowledge Resources of the European Association of Distance Teaching (EADTU) and, since 2017, she coordinates action 6 on open educational resources of the REBIUN Repositories Working Group.

Javiera Atenas
PhD in Education and senior lecturer in Learning and Teaching Enhancement at University of Suffolk
She is also an associate researcher in the DIDPATRI Group of the University of Barcelona and Senior Fellow of teh British Acdemy on Higher Education. Javiera has a long teaching and reseraching career in topics related with open knowledge and she has been working in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East advising governments, international organizations and universities in issues like policy, curriculum development in education, science and open data. Currently she colaborates withe the UNESCO team on Open Education in the development Open Education policies.

Paola Corti
European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL)
She supports librarians in taking action to implement the UNESCO OER Recommendation. She also works at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, as a project manager and instructional designer; she works on international projects, MOOCs design and development, and professional development courses for Faculty and Researchers, mainly on Open Education and innovative pedagogies. She is a Facilitator for Creative Commons Certificate courses, and she is involved – hands and heart – in implementing the UNESCO OER Recommendation. Paola has been working in distance learning since 1998 and is a passionate advocate for Open Education (OE). Paola’s work tries to link social justice and Open Education. She helps bridge the gap between educators and librarians in achieving more open access to education.

Head of the Technologies for Education Service. Genreal Directorate of Educative Innovation and Inclusion. Department of Eduaction and Employment. Junta de Extremadura
Computer Science Engineer and lecturer on Computer Systems and Applications. His initial contacts with virtual environments for teaching and learning were as technician at the Virtual Campus of the University of Extremadura. After the university he became a teacher on professional training and afterwards he joined the Educational Software Group of Extremadura, supporting the eXeLearning project.

Since 2021, he has been in charge of open educational software and resources projects at the Digital Education Department of the French Ministry of Education. A mathematics teacher and free software activist, in 2001 he founded Framasoft, one of the main communities for the promotion and dissemination of free software and free culture in France.

He was General Director of Public Participation and Electoral Processes at the Government of Catalonia (2018–2021) and professor at the School of Law and Political Science of the Open University of Catalonia (2005–2018).

He has been working for years with computers in various fields of the educational world. He currently teaches at CEIP Costa Teguise, researching and enjoying the educational use of information and communication technologies with students in the classroom. Since 2008, he has been running a blog with the aim of sharing with the rest of the educational community topics and recipes on the educational use of technologies.

Scientist and engineer, professor of artificial intelligence at the University of Malaga. As a researcher, Vico has created and led the Biomimetics and EdTech research groups at the University of Malaga and founded several companies as an entrepreneur. His work is known for using evolutionary computation in the field of algorithmic composition and industrial design, bringing the innovative component of evolution to artistic creation.

Assistant professor of Digital Culture at Maastricht University (The Netherlands)
Annika’s interdisciplinary research explores social practices emerging in interaction with digital technology. She has worked on, and collaborated with, tech-savvy communities, with somewhat ‘geeky’ interests: among them hackers and makers. During a Marie S. Curie fellowship at the University of Sussex (UK; 2019-2021), she has conducted qualitative research on hacker and makerspaces in particular. She writes on digital cultures and communities, especially in relation to learning and expertise, diversity and marginalised groups, ethics and datafication. Annika studied sociology at the University of Auckland (New Zealand) and media economics at the University of Siegen (Germany), where she also completed her PhD in 2012.

Professor with the Department of Mathematics and Experimental Science Teaching and Director of the Centre for Research in Science and Mathematics Education at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Graduate in Physics and PhD in Science Education. Responsible for initial teacher training for primary and secondary school teachers at undergraduate and master’s degree levels, respectively. She is the director of CRECIM (Centre for Research in Science and Mathematics Education) and head of the Scientific Education Unit of the Department of Maths and Science Education, since 2015. She is a member of the ACELEC consolidated research group and, previously, PI (2015–2017) of the TIREC research group, recognised and funded since 1995 by AGAUR.

Founder and CEO of the open-source Moodle software project he started in 1999. The Moodle platform consists of a number of products, but the best-known is Moodle LMS, which allows educators in all sectors to create private educational spaces online, filled with tools for collaborative learning. Martin has a mixed academic background with multiple post-graduate degrees in Computer Science and Education, two honorary doctorates and is a member of multiple boards around the world.
He continues to focus on researching how open education technology can best support teaching and
learning in open and human ways, with a keen interest in helping to produce a generation that can meet the UN’s sustainable development goals. Martin is also on the board of Open Education Global and the founder of Open Edtech Association.

Their team has experience in both the development and deployment of open source solutions. They have been teachers and responsible for the IT infrastructure of Escola del Treball for more than 12 years, a leading institute in vocational training and the use of free software with more than 2,500 students.

In 2020, they became the first Moodle Premium Partner in Spain, AWS partners and members of the IMS Global Learning Consortium. The quality of their work was recognised by the Government of Catalonia with I+O qualification.

Xnet is a network of activists and specialists that proposes advanced solutions in various fields related to digital rights and bringing democracy into the 21st century.
They work on issues such as freedom of expression and the right to information; the privacy of citizens’ data, auditable algorithms and effective mechanisms for transparency, public participation and oversight; free culture and knowledge, net neutrality and the fight against copyright monopolies; the fight against corruption and, in short, the defence and technopolitical use of the internet for citizen empowerment, justice and democratic and social transformation.

FSFE helps individuals and organisations to understand how Free Software contributes to freedom, transparency and self-determination
It enhances users’ rights by abolishing barriers to adoption of Free Software, encouraging people to use and develop Free Software and providing resources to enable everyone to further promote Free Software in Europe.

A highly customizable open source online editor providing real-time collaborative editing (UK, Canary Islands)
Etherpad is an open source project. Lots of passionate, helpful individuals have joined and voluntarily contributed every single bit throughout this project.
Etherpad is a web-based collaborative real-time editor. It enables several authors to edit a text document simultaneously, and to see all those participating in the edits in real time, with the capability of showing each author’s text in a different colour. There is also a chat window in the sidebar to enable direct communication. The software was launched in November 2008. Google acquired it in December 2009 and the source code was released as open-source later that month. The Etherpad Foundation coordinates development of the system.

The people who make up the MaadiX team have been working for years in defence of the right to privacy of communications, digital security and freedom of information.
For more than 10 years, the person who founded MaadiX has solved technological challenges in activist projects for the defence of digital rights, ensuring that tools for online work are agile, constantly updated and at the same time guaranteeing operational autonomy, data security and the privacy of the people involved in the projects.

Expansion of the open network
Community project, established as an association for self-provision and promotion of commons-based internet and internet-related services. With an ecologist, democratic, inclusive and tecno-humanist outlook. We foster the UNIVERSAL right of access to the internet its knowledge. To this end, we participate in guifi.net, are in the associations register of the Catalan Government, as well as a registered telecommunications operator at CNMT and RIPE member, amongst others. Let’s network, fem xarxa!

15 years promoting social transformation with technology, combining art, pedagogy, philosophy and political action
Promotes and manages projects of a cultural nature related to video games and new technologies at the crossroads between art, pedagogy, scientific research, digital inclusion and citizen participation.